Some poetry really speaks to imagery found in the world. H.D., poet and imagist, was an expert at dialing in contrasts and juxtapositions found in the world. In this post, we examine her life and contribution to poetry.
Biography of H.D.
To begin, H. D. (Hilda Doolittle) was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. She attended Bryn Mawr and the University of Pennsylvania. There, she befriended authors Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams. Afterward, she travelled to Europe and spent time abroad for most of her life.
During her life, she became heavily involved in the Imagist movement. The movement involved Ezra Pound, H.D., Richard Aldington, and F.S. Flint. As mentioned by available sources, the imagists drew inspiration from the “critical views of T.E. Hulme, in revolt against the careless thinking and Romantic optimism he saw prevailing.” These poets wrote with strict clarity and pointed visuals.
Moreover, H.D. published her first collection of poems in 1916. She named this collection Sea Garden. H.D.’s work is marked by her strong use of imagery. She gained recognition through her publications in Poetry in 1913.
H. D.’s Poem “Oread”
Perhaps one of H.D.’s most famous works, “Oread” is a masterfully conducted imagery poem:
Whirl up, sea—
H. D.
whirl your pointed pines.
splash your great pines
on our rocks.
hurl your green over us—
cover us with your pools of fir.
This poem deals with some interesting visual themes, including those of land and sea. These images provide a stark sort of visual clarity for the reader, as the “sea” comes up against “pines” while “green” is hurled over us. This contrast causes us to think of typical simile and metaphor. This is the imagist’s line of thinking in contrast and visualization.
Other Works
- Flowering of the Rod (1946)
- Red Roses from Bronze (1932)
- Hymen (1921)
- Tribute to Freud (1956)
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