
The Trial Surrounding “Howl” by Allen Ginsberg

In the same way I wonder about how people could possibly burn books or ban them (and it doesn’t matter how progressive you think the modern era is—there are always people), how is it that we can take artists and writers to task for what they write or for the thought crimes they allegedly commit?


Poem: “The Hollow Men” by T. S. Eliot

The weekend is upon us and I feel like walking along the shore and dipping my toes into the lake while trying to appear writerly. In reality, I’ll probably end up cooking hot dogs for my family and watching a terrible 80s-horror movie (but it’s okay to have romantic visions of ourselves).


Emily Dickinson, Author of Epistles and Poems

Emily Dickinson crafted phenomenal poetry and led an interesting life, albeit a quiet one. Her poems, such as “Faith” and “Much Madness is Divinest Sense” give credence to her ability to craft verse, and her body of work is more than exceptional in the face of modern literary studies