The endless babble of human existence, and my own endless chatter, often makes me think of the disposable words that explode from people’s mouths (and my own) on the daily. Case in point: a student recently said to me, “Mr. Sampson, you talk a lot.” And that was true, so I really couldn’t argue with them, because sometimes I get, well, wind-baggy.
In researching a good word for this week’s post, I stumbled across “argle-bargle.” Today, we are going to figure out what that means exactly and see how we can use it in a sentence.
Defining “argle-bargle”
Argle-bargle means to have “a vigorous or noisy discussion or dispute” and apparently stems from argy-bargy, which is British slang ( The definitions I ran across veer from positive to negative connotations, too, so some sources state that argle-bargle comes from “Early 19th century reduplication of dialect argle, a late 16th-century alteration of argue” (Lexico).
In context
Some uses of argle-bargle in a sentence are as follows:
- The group of tanked taverners engaged in argle-bargle regarding the finer points of tipping one’s glass.
- The discourse was marked by erudite argle-bargle and noisy repudiation.
Works Cited
“Argle Bargle.” Lexico. 2022. Web:
“Argy-Bargy.” The Free Dicitonary. 2022. Web:
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