“What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow / Out of this stony rubbish?ย …” – T.S. Eliot | The Waste Land
Greetings, today on the blog I a going to review what we learned last week and what we are going to learn next week on the blog.
Last week
We analyzed chaptersย XXXIV-XLIV ofย A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurโs Courtย by Mark Twain. With that task completed, we put the book to a close, outside of one last reflective post on Monday to close out the month and our book review.
Moreover, we also learned more about the idea of “chivalry” and how that applies to both an idea of respect and kindness, and how it applies to a caste of feudal lords in armor.
Continuing, we examined an older post about teaching Shakespeare in school, and we outlined T.H. White’s The Once and Future King. Lastly, we read about the Singing Sands of Bete Grise.
This week
For this week’s post, we are going to
- Monday: Continue analyzing Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by reflecting on the book and touching on some of the themes that appeared while reading Hank Morgan’s story.
- Tuesday: Word of the Week, “Fratricide”
- Wednesday: Literary Quotes, Mark Twain
- Thursday: Reedited, Mark Twain
- Friday: Book List, The Gilded Age
- Saturday: Folklore, Torch Lake Monster
- Sunday: Reflections
Feel free to stop by to Like and Comment. See you on the blog this week!
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