Last week, this week: Sept. 20th – Sept. 26th

Greetings! Here’s our usual reflection on last week’s material and our look ahead to new things we will discuss and learn! I am definitely looking forward to the coming week!

Last week

This past week we looked at chapters 18, 19, and 20 of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. The book is very nearly over! Likewise, we focused on the idea of simple and explored James Joyce’s poem “The Simples” along with a post on how to write simply and why that matters. As well, I shared a poem by one of my favorite poets, Carl Sandburg, which was called “Foggy,” because we are well on our way into the shortest, but best, part of the year—fall.  

As always, I did not get to everything I wanted this week, but we made our way through more than I expected with such a business to handle. *wipes sweat from brow*

This week

For the upcoming week:

  • Monday: This week we are going to look at chapters 21, 22, and 23. We are very nearly done (I thought there were only 20 chapters for some reason) and that gives me one additional week (next week) to summarize and analyze the last chapter and then provide some reflection on the book.
  • Tuesday: I will share some poetry about getting older.
  • Wednesday: We are going to look at different types of nouns for this week’s lesson.
  • Thursday: I will share some poetry about age and wisdom.
  • Friday: We will analyze and summarize a short story that I love reading with my students about the pains of getting older.  
  • Saturday: If we have time, I have an idea for a new type of post.
  • Sunday: Weekly wrap-up and a look ahead.

It’s going to be a busy week on the blog, so I do hope you stop by for a visit!

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