Last week, this week: Jan. 24th – Jan. 30th


I always love writing an end-of-the-week post because that means I made it out alive, whether I hit my writing goals or not. No matter, it was a cold one this week, with a day or two in which I had to wear four layers to get myself from the car to the school without turning into Jack Torrance from Stephen King’s The Shining (in case you are unsure, that means I was sitting comfortably near a hedge with a bad case of hypothermia). But, that’s Michigan for you. Mother Natures intends to kill us all with her frozen grip, and the frigid wind wins in the end.

Anyway, let’s look at last week and see what’s up for next week.


Last week

On Monday, MLK’s birthday, we summarized and analyzed Harlem Renaissance writer Richard Wright’s book Black Boy and grappled with its themes of perseverance and history. We also learned about the importance of active and passive voice in writing, and on Thursday we read “Cold Passion” by Paul Cameron Brown, because, honestly, I was feeling the arctic wind on my face and was inspired to post some verse. Finally, we learned about Mark Twain’s last words and little bit about his life.

Not a bad week after all!

This week

For this coming week, we have a few things to learn about, including the trial of a fantastic playwright, which unfortunately painted his life times with a grim brush. We will also define and learn how to use intransitive verbs, because every little bit of grammatical knowledge helps; and, I also received a submission that I am going to share later this week.

Of course, if I can get a few additional posts in the open spaces when I have the time–I will certainly do that!

Enjoy your week, and I hope you stop by for a visit! Take care!

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